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Author: Josh Grove

Steps of the Permitting and Inspection Process

When filling out an application for an Improvement permit, a site plan is requested. The site plan, with the exception of commercial/industrial, can be drawn out by the applicant. The applicant must know where the property lines are located. ANY FEE ASSOCIATED WITH AN APPLICATION MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION.

The following are the required inspections:

  1. Site Location – the proposed new building, addition, etc. must be staked off so the inspector can verify the location of the proposed construction.
  2. Footer and Foundation – call the office before the concrete is poured.
  3. Water and Sewer Hook-Up Inspection
  4. Final Inspection – Notify the Zoning Enforcement Officer within ten (10) days after completion

Before the Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO) issues a building permit, inspection #1 must be completed. This informs the ZEO how close the proposed construction is to the property line and that appropriate side, front, and rear yard setbacks are followed. Also, this helps prevent construction in restricted areas such as utility easements.

When calling for an inspection, leave your name, address, and the type of inspection requested. The office can be reached at 486-3298. Any questions, please contact Jeremy Wininger at 812-259-9230.

Rezoning Application


When filling a rezoning application, the following criteria must be followed:

  1. Obtain the application from the Town Clerk’s office. Fill out the application completely and have the signature notarized. A certified copy of a survey for the property being zoned needs to accompany the application.
  2. If the actual owner of said property is not applying for the rezoning, the applicant must supply an affidavit from the owner.
  3. Fee of $100 made out to the Town of Montgomery must be paid.
  4. The applicant must notify the adjoining property owners of the intentions for the property. Certified registered mail is the easiest form of notification.
  5. The rezoning application will go before the Area Plan Commission. The APC meets the 2nd Monday of the month. The application must be turned in at least three (3) weeks prior to the meeting.
  6. The rezoning application will also go before the Town Council two (2) times. The Council meets the 1st Monday of the Month.

Any questions, please contact Jeremy Wininger at 812-259-9230.